Superman Syndrome

What is Superman Syndrome?


When someone is so good at leaving with no one noticing, you start to think they are actually superman.

What happened to Jason? He always does this, there must be an earthquake in China or something. That kid's got superman syndrome.

See leaving, shady dip, stepping out, rupe


Personality or character trait, implying one or both of the following:

A) the workaholick: the person tries to be a perfectionist or one-man-army, accomplishing as much as possible him/herself;

B) the saviour: the person constantly feels the urge to try and help or "save" others, comforting them in times of distress whenever possible.


1: uh, the photocopier just broke down.

2: cool, i'm on it.

1: and the sales meeting is about to fall apart.

2: let me talk to the client.

1: AND your secretary is about to go into labour!

2: great, just send in the client while i deliver her baby.

1: dude, who do you think you are, Superman!?


1: hey, that girl's really screwed up. i wonder if i could help her change..that'd be really hot.

2: da hell? you tryin' to save her? what, you have Superman syndrome or something?

See perfectionist, workaholic, messiah, hero, superman, complex, syndrome


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