
What is Super-shquim?


1. The globular eruption of a blustering hemorrhoid mixed with the crusted remains of dead skin and bacteria in and/or around the testicles and foreskin of male-genitalia.

2. See shquim and smegma.

3. Also used as an insult in reference to the worst cuntand/or twat ex-girlfriendto have ever existed.

4. An insult reserved for extremely overactive douche bags.

Oh dear God, is that super-shquim running down your thigh!?

Wow. Kayla has to be THE BIGGEST super-shquim I have ever met. Don't you guys all agree?

(several virile young men nod in agreement)

See shquim, hemorrhoids, piles, smegma, testicles, foreskin, disgusting, globular, ex-girlfriend, ex, anus, ass, balls, goo


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