
What is Supp?


what is up, another form of greeting a homie

hey, supp, how you feeling?


1.) For those of us that think using "sup" is too plain...

2.) A way for lazy people to say "What's up?" "What up?" or even "sup?"

3.) Often followed by MANY ? (question marks) because... um... y not?

4.) Can also have as many p's as you want...

5.) tends to make people think about it for a second to them selves before answering

6.) usually used in IM chat (well duh, how are you gonna notice the ps and ?s if you said it out loud?)

7.) usually answered with nm (nothin much)

Me: Hi

You: Hey

Me: Suppppppppppppp????????????????????????

(You Thinking: Hmmmm, whats with all the ps and ?s... What evs, its amazing)

You: nm

You: u?

Me: nm

See supp, sup, what, whats, up, ?, what's up, whats up


fucking sexy beast, the largest peen on the soutside yo.

See supp


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