
What is Suppercat?



1. a backstabbing pussy who disrespects you once they get the most they can get out of you; ingrate

2. a cowardly person who bites the hand that feeds them and usually does it when their target's back is turned and they don't think that their target will find out about it but doesn't have the balls to admit it when confronted and denies it when face to face

3. will betray a friend to make an impression on a new friend or group of friends but continue to pretend to be friends with you to benefit the most they can from you and will likely use the friend or group of friends they betray you for to benefit the most they can from them as well; selfish instigators

4. one who denies what they do or say behind your back when confronted but will brag about what they do behind your back to their other friends; likewise will have nothing to do with you when they're around their other friends and tell you what a good friend you are when their other friends aren't around (they never want to be seen associating with either party in front of the other party or at least they don't want to be seen associating with one party while their favorable party is watching, it makes them feel akward)

Sometimes the suppercat will talk shit to one friend about another and talk shit to that friend about the other friend. Unfortunately, there are people like this. Keep in mind, the more you give the more you'll be taken for granted but in a suppercat's case the more you give the more they expect and the more you'll be taken advantage of, a suppercat is not your friend.

1. She's such a suppercat, I mean, she has been following him all night asking for drinks and favors and now that he claims that he has spent all of his money on her she is ignoring him and flirting with other guys.

2. I went to pick up my son from the barbershop and Darnell made me so angry with him. He was in the shop boasting on all the girls he has been with since his girlfriend bailed him out of jail for the third time and I told Janice about it. Unfortunately, when she confronted him he lied and said that was someone else saying those things and that he'd never do that to her, he's the town's biggest suppercat if you ask me.

3. I can't believe that suppercat told Jeremy and his friends Judy's secrets, Judy has let her borrow clothes, money, and let her stay in her home when she had nowhere to go and now Terri is telling Jeremy and his friends her secrets just to fit in with them. Three days ago they didn't even notice her; she just wants to be popular.

4. Did you hear? Judy confronted Terri and Terri denied telling Jeremy those things to Judy and told her what a good friend she was, but Judy believed her. Now that suppercat is gloating to Jeremy about telling Judy what she says is her own business and if she were going to say anything bad about her she'd tell it to her face. She's a lying suppercat.

See backstabber, coward, fake friend, ingrate, pussy



1. a backstabbing pussy who disrespects you once they get the most they can get out of you; ingrate

2. a cowardly person who bites the hand that feeds them and usually does it when their target's back is turned and they don't think that their target will find out about it but is too afaid when confronted and denies it when face to face

3. will betray a friend to make an impression on a new friend or group of friends but continue to pretend to be friends with you to benefit the most they can from you and will likely use the friend or group of friends betray you for to benefit the most they can from them as well; selfish instigators

4. one who denies what they do or say behind your back when confronted but will brag about what they do behind your back to their other friends; likewise will have nothing to do with you when they're around their other friends and tell you what a good friend you are when their other friends aren't around (they never want to be seen associating with either party in front of the other party, it makes them feel akward)

Sometimes the suppercat will talk shit to one friend about another and talk shit to that friend about the other friend. Unfortunately, there are people like this. Keep in mind, the more you give the more you'll be taken for granted but in a suppercat's case the more you give the more they expect and the more you'll be taken advantage of, a suppercat is not your friend.

1. She's such a suppercat, I mean, she has been following him all night asking for drinks and favors and now that he claims that he has spent all of his money on her she is ignoring him and flirting with other guys.

2. I went to pick up my son from the barbershop and Darnell made me so angry with him. He was in the shop boasting on all the girls he has been with since his girlfriend bailed him out of jail for the third time and I told Janice about it. Unfortunately, when she confronted him he lied and said that was someone else saying those things and that he'd never do that to her, he's the town's biggest suppercat if you ask me.

3. I can't believe that suppercat told Jeremy and his friends Judy's secrets, Judy has let her borrow clothes, money, and let her stay in her home when she had nowhere to go and now Terri is telling Jeremy and his friends her secrets just to fit in with them. Three days ago they didn't even notice her; she just wants to be popular.

4. Did you hear? Judy confronted Terri and Terri denied telling Jeremy those things to Judy and told her what a good friend she was, but Judy believed her. Now that suppercat is gloating to Jeremy about telling Judy what she says is her own business and if she were going to say anything bad about her she'd tell it to her face. She's a lying suppercat.

See coward, pussy, backstabber, ingrate, instigator


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