What is Suri Cruise / Syracuse?


Suri Cruise / Syracuse, noun.

(Daughter of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes)

Suri Cruise born on April 18, 2006 to Thomas Cruise Mapother IV aka Tom Cruise, actor and producer, and Katie Holmes, actress and fiancee of Tom Cruise in Los Angeles, California.

Suri in Hebrewmeans princess and in Persian means red rose.

Suri Cruise was 7 pounds and 7 ounces at birth, and was 20 inches in length.

Suri is Katie Holmes' first child, and Tom Cruise's third child and first biological child.

Tom Cruise was born in Syracuse, New York on July 3, 1962.

Suri Cruise / Syracuse is a play on words that when pronounced gives homage to Tom Cruise's birth place of Syracuse, New York.

See birth, children, fame, life, scientology


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