What is Susquehanna University!?


A college that is in the middle of no where...actually in selinsgrove, Pa were your lucky to pass anyone (townies) that have their two front teeth AND a bear gut smaller then the town itself. It is surronded by the amish and its town landmark is Walmart....Nothing to do here during the day...and at night you better like the same party over and over again otherwise your in for many a boring night! Most of the time...if you do attend these so called "parties" the kegs are kicked by 11:30...and if you are so lucky to get there before the beer is gone...it taste of 12 day old cow urine....YUMMY!

Person:WHere do you go to college?

College student: Susquehanna University!

Person:What! Sasquatch University...where the hell is that?

See susquehanna, selinsgrove, amish, hick, college


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