What is Sussex?
Also, Sussex girl / Sussex boy = hot, likes to think they're left wing and are probably a bit posh. Well spoken, nice hair, reads Kerouac or Kafka.
Londoner: Yes when we're done with our careers we're going to buy a little cottage in Sussex so that the nibblers can run around without getting spiked by the rusty springs of broken mattresses anymore.
A small town in NSW, Australia where inbred's live
Same as Wandandian
Poeple in who live in Sussex are inbreds, theres no denying
"Mitchel you sussex inbred"
the southern-most county in delaware. easily the most thuggish, the eastern seaboard is famous for its summertime nightlife, if your a chick, u may even want to check this place out
yo, sussex county niggas is raw
Southern English county home to Dirty South Hustlers. Full of a mix between nice and grimy towns eg Tunbridge Wells (nice), and Hastings (grimy) home to a shit load of pikey rudeboy wannabees, skag heads, and no decent football teams! and that includes Brighton!
Ez mate i'm from East Sussex, wanna take this outside bitch!
I'm pretty sure that Sussex is a place in England, too. It is county in Southern England, close to London, I beleive. I'll bet it was there long before any teacher had the name.
"I live in bloody Sussex county, chap."