
What is Suthan?


big black man, may have aids, may be , general bull ter

"hey youre such a suthan"

"no im not"

"ur black, ur big and u have AIDS"


See suthan, fag, aids, black, big, man


synonym for cunt, prick, wanker, dick, dick head, cock, cock sucker, bell end, arsehole, fudge packer, fudge finder, uphill gardener, penis, twat, prat, bastard, loser, moron, fag etc; has unknown origins but use of the word is widespread in the south east.

stop being such a fucking suthan

why did you do that? youre such a suthan

which of you suthans stole my phone!?

get out of my face suthan

See cunt, prick, wanker, dick, dick head, cock, cock sucker, bell end, arsehole, fudge packer, uphill gardener, twat, prat, bastard, loser, moron, fag


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