What is Swaffel?
slapping a object or person with your penis. the best way to do this is when it is half stiff and the biggest weight is on the top of the penis.
auwch, that dude just swaffelt me
To slap something, usually a man or woman's face, with an erect penis or similar hard, penis-shaped object.
(sidenote: this is the only word known of by the author of this entry that describes the phenomenon of cockslapping, and is not a compound word or portmanteau)
Originally a slang term from North Amsterdam, the word has spread in usage to various other parts of Europe, the Middle East, and North America.
Variations: swafffel, mutaswaffila, swaafil
Steve swaffeled Marie, and then Marie dumped Steve.
George tried waking up his girlfriend with a swaffel, and then she didn't talk to him for a week.
Arabic: Ana swaffeltuha!