
What is Swaffle?


To take ones penis and slap backwards and forwards across a partner's face in a repetitive manner. Can result in eye injury.

Hey look at Roderick giving Helene a good swaffle! He must really like her.

See rod, dick, baton, friend


Active verb, refers to the practice of two sexual partners (generally overweight homosexual men, although heterosexual overweight partners can swaffle in rare instances such as anal or pegging) using desert-based condiments, such as whipped cream or syrup as a lubricant. The etymology of the word comes from the resemblance of the jiggling excess flesh, smothered in creams and syrup, to two swedish waffles on a plate. In this respect, 'swaffle' can be said to be a contraction of 'swedish waffle', although its uncontracted form is seldom used.

"I have maple syrup and some whipped cream, do you want to swaffle tonight?"


(vb): to show a particular female feelings through mediums like:e-mails(hotmail only), telegrams, letters(US only).

(noun):swaffle - a strange hybrid between a bully and a postman.

To swaffle is a virtue.

You swaffled her until you drove her out of her medium.

See postman, e-love, caring, violin, solo, riff


A mix of Sweep (Sweepstake) and Raffle - depending on when you join in. Done with mates or workmates on things like the world cup or grand national. Done exclusively online or it is not a swaffle. Started in UK and spread worldwide.

You can swaffle the fifa world cup 2006 with a load of mates from the pub. They can't accuse you of cheating as the allocations are all random. The Swaffle pot is split between 1st, 2nd and 3rd or all or nothing for the winner.

See sweep, world cup 2006, sweepstake, swaffle


The most unusual method of drinking which involves very little movement of the throat muscles, however, the quantity of beverage consumed per second is vast

"Don't swaffle all of the beer too quickly, you'll get hiccoughs!!! ... and wasted"

See swaffed, swaffler, swaff


hackey sacks running away from a bunch of chariots on the circus maximus

a.k.a. o fuck here they come!!!

Yesterday hackies pulled a swaffle


See Nick


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