Swallow Tattoos

What is Swallow Tattoos?


There are many meaning behind Swallow tattoos

1.Long ago, a sailor would get a swallow tattoo after succesfully sailing a certain amount of miles

2.The traditional tattoo means: A sailor gets a set of swallows on his chest, The story goes if he or she drowns, the swallows come down and lift his soul to the heavens.

3. A symbol of the working class pride, fast fist. The swallow tattoo in England means "these fists fly". Its mainly seen on old guys now who used to be good fighters or well know hard men back in the day The swallow tattoo in England means "these fists fly". Its mainly seen on old guys now who used to be good fighters or well know hard men back in the day

Boy-"Since you got your swallow tattoos, your Not scared of drowning?"

Girl-"The story goes that if I drown, the swallows come down and lift my soul to the heavens."

Boy-"So your not scared"


See fighter, ., swallow


I've always associated swallow tattoos with loyalty and fidelity - swallows choose a mate for life, and will only nest with that bird and no other. Also they carry a message of hope, when sailors saw a swallow, they knew that land was near.

The swallow tattoos stood for love, thats why they faced eachother.

the swallow tattoos on the wrist were for people who resently got out of jail

the swallow tattoos on the shoulder ment freedom

See split, tail, swallow, fisherman, tattoo


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