
What is Swamp?


1.Domain, domicile, abode, nest or personal space. Ones private area or bedroom containing personal effects, usually ratty or messy, sometimes carrying bad odours. 2ace with a lingering, pungent aroma. 3.Childs room.

1.Let's go upstairs and listen to music in the swamp. 2.Damn, this place stinks like a swamp! 3.My cousin lives in a swamp.


The name of Hawkeye and Trapper Johns tent/home on the original movie MASH(1970) as well as the series. Frequently used as a haven for consuming alcoholic beverages as well as cavorting with nurses.

One nurse to the other; they trapped me in the swamp.

See m.a.s.h., klinger


To throw terrible drunken game at a girl, and you keep throwing it even though she is obviously disgusted and totally has a boyfriend. meanwhile, you're completely oblivious and horny. slurry words a must. and try to be as dirty as possible.

Sorry i swamped your girl last night, man. i was completely wasted. seriously, im sorry. put the bat down.

See bother, game, drunk


To slap someone across the face with a dried up, crusty, cum-filled tissue.

Prounounced like "stamp".

Wraivyn swamped Chris for being such a d-bag on Vent."

See crusty, cum, tissue, slap, facial



One is said to swamp a fortywhen one drinks it down somewhat and tops it back off with orange juice.

Hand me that OJ, I need to swamp this OE.

See drinks, alcohol, cocktail, norcal, gutter


Noun: nasty sweaty crotch, forming a dank atmosphere inside the jeans.

Yo, Ortega... Does that inner city bus ride that you take every day give you nasty swamp?

See swamp, dank, scrote, sack, balls


Swamp occurs when, due to the hot weather, parts of your body covered by clothing get all gross and sweaty.....the most common being 'swamp-back' at school, underneath your skirt and shirt from wearing your bag around!

"ew, it's so hot i'm getting swamp back!"

"I have swamp EVERYTHING!!!!"


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