Swamp Ass

What is Swamp Ass?


when you get hot and your ass sweats. it makes for a bad time

"awww man after sitting down for so long i got swamp ass"


An unfortunate condition in which the taint (the often hair-bespeckled, flrshy space between balls and ass) is wallowing in the depths of a vile, festering, putrid poo swamp. A generally uncomfortable, unwipable ass. The only cure is gold bond.

Jesus Christ, I hope Janice doesn't notice the permeating stench of my swamp ass while she's sucking on my balls!


A common condition in which the ass crack and crotch becomes overly moist, sweaty, and stinky from one or all of the following:

- sweating on a hot day

- not bathing enough

- long day of work, sports, play

- incomplete wipe due to rush or laziness

The crack will often feel squishy, wet, unpleasant, and itchy. It is recommended to take a bath with soap to sanitize the condition.


After a long day of moving furniture. "I need to go home and take a shower before I get swamp ass."


A build up of sweat and schmancter usually forming on the under carriage in the crease between the berry bag and the inner thigh. After aging, "swamp ass" can put out a distinct and distasteful odor. Swamp ass is caused by extended periods of physical activity. Obesity can contribute to the severity.

After several hours of worm wrestling and sword fighting, Jason and Eric both had terrible cases of swamp ass.


The origin of this problem is the ass crack. Once sweaty it begins to get itchy, like you did not wipe well enough. After it gets unbearable you begin to scratch like crazy, and shortly thereafter your whole ass feels like one big cactus has spanked you for hours.

John and Bryan were walking home at a fast pace; Due to the intense friction, John's ass crack began to sweat and itch. Result, Swamp ass.

See ass gremlins, crack attack, athlete's ass


A condition caused by excessive moisture build up on one's ass, creating a very uncomfortable and disgusting situation in anal region.

After Marcus and Antonia were done frolicking about they all had a terrible case of swamp ass.

See Jen


An unfortunate condition that results in extreme discomfort to ones anal opening. This condition is usually brought on by excessive perspiration, excessive friction / movement and incomplete anal paper work. Can also be brought on by liquid or solid content flatulence and excessive bowel movements.

A runner with diarrhea will experience swamp ass on warm summer days.

See hemorroids, unclean spirits


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