Swamp Dick

What is Swamp Dick?


the sensation you feel on your penis when:

A) you take a condom off of your dick right after you bang a nice hot and wet vagina.

B) you get hot and sweaty and dont shower for a few days.

A) Will: Dude, I just banged the guts out of this slut in my car, and when I took the condom off, my dick felt all slimey and weird like it was in a sauna for 3 days.

Me: Sounds like you got a wicked case of swamp dick!

B) Will: Dude, I just got back from a 3-day ass spelunkingexpedition with my boyfriend, Chris, and it feels like I got a sweaty rodent in my pants.

Me: Sounds like you got a wicked case of swamp dick!

See swamp, dick, nasty, dirty


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