What is Swamp Donkage Meter?
A meter rating a swamp donkey on a 1-10 scale. Relates to the 1-10 scale of the hottness meter but rates how ugly/fat these girls really are. 1 being the least ugly/fat 10 being the most ugly/fat. A 1 on the swamp donkage meter is not to be confused with a 1 on a hottness meter, as a swamp donkey is much much worse.
Damn that girls fucking nasty.
Yeah shes definitely a 10 on the swamp donkage meter.
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This is a term heard in churches 'round the world, but has anyone thought of its possible meanings? After a very deep conversation ..
1: A lack of motivation caused by laziness, drunkenness, or getting high.
2: Having no desire to get off your ass and do something.