
What is Swamping?


swamping defines everything you do when your really off tap.

when you get off guts on crackers or billies and your going to do something. then your going to be swamping... as in swamped from being so wasted. struggling to handle everything.

also used to freak people out when smoking billies.

B1: *smashes a billy* i am gonna go down to the quix and get an icey....

B2: man.. you will be swamping hardcore if you go.

B1: yeah well, once a swamper, always a swamper.

B2: thats it, swampin 24/7 baby woooooooooooh.

See swamp, swamping, swamper, swampy


to have the bus filled with people that all get on at the same stop so that people have to stand up

its gonna be a swamping this avo mate


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