
What is Swank?


Extremely cool; dope; kickass

Man, that car is so swank.


!) Very classy, and/or tasteful

2) Very good weed; Dank (opposite of swag)

I have a swank bag, it's lime coloured with some red in it, and matches my shoes.

See Audi


meaning: style or class

Diesel shoes carry a sporty swank.


A word used to express how good something looks or is, usually in the context of it bieng funky as well.

Man, that is one swank jacket.


the coolest of cool. smoother than smooth

school is totally un-swank


combination of sweet and dank

dude that shit's swank

See swank, dank, sweet, sw, an, k


Being extremely tight, or fashionable (stylish). Referring mostly to clothes, cars, etc.

Man you know meh, Im ridin' swank!

See cool, tight, fashion, sweet, stylish


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