
What is Swanky?


very fancy, posh, or trendy

I love this swanky new club! It's slammin'!

See Ash


1. A person or object that is posh, high-class, glamorous, classy, upmarket, etc.

2. A person or object that is cool, awesome, hip, maybe even obsessed by the person using the word, to describe that person or object.

1. The man at the hotel reception desk told us that the restraunt that we will be dining at this evening is very swanky, and suggested that we dressed formally.

2. 'The OC' is so swanky! I just love it to death.

See posh, glamorous, classy, cool, hip, awesome, super, swank


a word meaning insane, out of this world, flashy, trendy. A personal favorite of mine

*kid in green blazer walks by*

Jackass: Yo man, that blazer is SWANKY!

See montreal


Something or Someone who is super unexplainably spiffy

Joann is a swanky beast!

The porno was super swanky!


Swanky pronounced as it is spelt is a term used when something is so bad that it is Shit and Wank at the same time.


Mc Mason n Gayziie

"Ugh that was so shit...

...Mate that was Swanky!"

"Hes such a Swanker. (Shit Wanker)"

See shit, wank, waste, wanker, rubbish


totally awesome or rad, something stylish or admirable. see wicked

Wow! Gwen Stefani sure has swanky style!


Unusually cool or socially agreeable.

"Although the dog was not friendly, all agreed that his sweater swanky to the max."

"I got the tickets to CATS!" "Swanky!"

See cool, nice, uber cool, skanky


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