
What is Swanning?


To go roaming around the workplace, typically aimlessly or to see friends.

Frank was never at his desk as he was always swanning.

See roaming, absent, swaning, take a break


The process of goin up the skirt, down though the underwear und up into the nether regions of a whore on the dance floor in a swan like action. Technique first originated by J.D.R. 8/01/08

"Are you swanning that well buff girl!"

"Jake did you just swan her?" "Yeah bruv, smell my hand!"

See swan, foreplay, dancing


Parading up and down chic, fashionable streets, in constant posing mode, primping and posing for ohers to see and (hopefully)be jealous

Man, check out those bitches swanning up and down, they should sell of some their overpriced threads and invest in mirrors

See acting, posturing, poseurs


The act of eating ones grenade, resulting in serious injury, or death.

sonso ate swan's grenade

See muzzy


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