
What is Swashbuckle?


The act of to guys accidently crossing penises while having a intercourse with a female.

Scott and Evelio swashbuckled while having sex with Barbara.

See swash, swashbuckling, buckling, buckle


The act of sword fighting someone pirate style. While fighting often you will hear "Yarr... scurvey dog" and similar phrases.

Man this fool was pissing me off so i pulled out my sword and swashbuckled his ass

See Alex


the way that pirates move while saying phrases such as "yar!", "scallywag!" and "RUM!!!!"

"Yaaarr me hearties lests a swashbuckle yonder and drink rum! Yaaarrr!!!"

See z?


to flirt with or associate with a member of the opposite or same sex that one finds attractive or interesting

It's your party, go ahead and swashbuckle!

See flirt, tease, play, interact, mingle


When you piss your pants upon getting kicked in the stomach.

He kicked me so hard i swashbuckled all over my new pants.

See this, is, the, true, meaning, of, swashbuckle


can be a person, place or thing...

"Get all the crazy swashbucklers together, and we'll swash it on over to the Swashbuckler ( in Treasure Island Hotel-Las Vegas ) and have ourselves a swashbuckling good old time


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