Swat Team

What is Swat Team?


Relies heavily on the element of surprise. While a significant other is on the toilet taking a #2, the man waits quietly outside the door and pulls it (ie. loads the gun). When the time is right, the man busts open the door and lets it go all over the helpless deuce dropper. Classic!

Hey Larry!


I SWAT Teamed Agnes while she was taking a dump!

Right on man!

See surprise!


Variation of washing the dog in which one testicle is inserted in a girl's asshole, while the other one is inserted in the girl's vagina. Named after the common police technique of sending one unit through the back, and one through the front. Believed to be of a higher degree of difficulty than washing the dog

"Her ass and her vag where so far apart, I'm pretty sure I sprained my left nut trying to swat team her"

See washing the dog, cleveland steamer, arab goggles, hot carl, glass bottom boat


A hired service upon where someone has an incredible fly/ flying insect problem. These people are of course too lazy and hire a SWAT Team to remove the local infestation from the confines of their own home.

Guy 1: OMG! We have a fly problem!

Girl 1: Of course, weeee're tooo lazy, so let's hire a SWAT Team

See flies, swat, infestation, triangle


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