
What is Swatch?


vb; To have a brief look at.

Chiefly Glaswegian Scots

Gie us a swatch of yer fanny!

See Keith


Pronounced sw-at-ch

Combination of the words "Sweat" and "Snatch"

Word Refers to a sweaty dirty and disease ridden female genitalia.

1a. Noun "She sure has a potent swatch today!"

See snatch, crotch, cunt


when a girl wearing a skirt is sitting on a chair or something and you can see a little piece of her panties/ thong/ g-stringbetween her legs (usually on the area right above the pussy) these are like those paint swatches at hardware stores, a sample of what you can get.

Guy1: oh shit! you can totaly see the swatch on that chick!

Guy2: ya she totally has a swatch showing.

See panties, pussy, snatch, thong, g-string


n. 1. the perineum or area between a man's testicles and anus

Derived from English: Sweaty Patch


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