
What is Swatty?


Nickname for the Swatara River in central Pennsylvania.

After the party got busted we grabbed a couple cases of Natty and headed down by the Swatty.

See Nick D


The moment of ejaculation from one mans penis into another mans ass resulting in a "cumshot" of the anal

" hey man i just fucked you in the ass "

a swatty


gay cunt



when u get a guy to suck u off, then do ur 'thing' into ur hand, and slap him in the face with it... *swatt*

he gave him a swatty!!


biggest retard to walk the earth, congrats faggot

See asdf


Another word for someone with a small penis.

You swatty fuck


ever wanted a walking pineapple plantation, then swatty is your man

also useful if you need to impale someone

bombs "your hair looks like a pineapple"

swatty "yes"

See bomberman


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