Sweary Q

What is Sweary Q?


Mistaken lyric from the T.I. song "What you know about that".

"You never carry tools not even square, he cube"

Cubes being shrooms and Squares being LSD

Sweary Qs aren't anything.

See sweary, q, qs, squary, square, he, cube


Mistaken meaning for a line in TI's lyrics for "What You Know." He is not referring to drugs. He is referring to how uncool (square) someone is. The person that he is referring is worse than square; he is cube (which is made up of six squares). Therefore, this person is square x 6= VERY uncool. Clever lyric!

"You never carry tools/ Not even square, he cube"

What in the hell is a sweary Q?

See squarey cubes


8th of an ounce, small amount of cocaine and or Weed, if ya don't know now ya know,

...Normaly called a square...

Ya never carry tools (weapons) not even sweary q's (dope)...by T.I.

Don't know if he is saying sweary or squarey but its all the same, its a square/8th of dope.

See sweary


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