Sweat Burger

What is Sweat Burger?


Created when you work at McDonalds, and the asshole manager has you flipping burgers all day over a giant, burning hot, boiling grease launching, stinky grill---then drops of sweat from your brow begin to fall on the burgers and you really don't give a shit.

Me: Can I take my lunch break yet? I've been on this grill for 5 hours...

Manager: No half the employees didn't show up again and you have to work the grill by yourself, work harder, it's the lunch rush!

Me: I hope they like sweat burgers...

See fast food, shitty food, mcfuck, mcnuggets, mcdonalds, mcdonald's, burger king, burgerking, hamburger, burger, berger, patty, meat patty, beef patty, special sauce, sandwich, sweat, sweaty, overworked, work, job, flipping burgers, asshole, hateful, spite, spiteful, disgruntled, disgruntled employee, ronald, wendys, wendy's, carls jr, hardees, hardee's


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