Sweat Out Toxins

What is Sweat Out Toxins?


To run/jog or engage in cardiovascular activity, most often after a night of drinking, in order to rid the body of the toxins associated with said heavy drinking.

- "Hey, man, wanna go get some brunch?"

- "Naw, bro, I gotta go sweat out toxins, or "s.o.t". I won't be done jogging until 2:00."

See run, cardio, sweat, meat-head, meathead


To run/jog or engage in cardiovascular activity, most often after a night of drinking, in order to rid the body of the toxins associated with said heavy drinking.

- "Hey, man, wanna go get some brunch?"

- "Naw, bro, I gotta go sweat out toxins, or "s.o.t". I won't be done jogging until 2:00."

See run, cardio, sweat, meat-head, meathead


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