What is Sweatervest?
An article of clothing often worn by 'rediculously' good looking teachers that make them somehow even better looking.
Mr. V looks so awesome in that sweatervest. He should wear them everyday.
Pronunciation: ˈswe-tər-ˌvest
Function: Noun
Defintion: A person who behaves like an asshole; a person that is inconsiderate or inpolite.
History: Though it takes it's name from a person being especially tool-like at a concert and pushing people aside when there was no path or movement simply because they are bigger, the phrase is expanded to serve to describe any kind of person who behaves like an asshole in any situation. It does not attempt to make any loathing against those who wear sweatervests in normal life situations, but it is notably strange to wear one into the GA section of a punk-rock concert.
"Man, did you see the way that guy pushed that girl?"
"Yeah, what a sweatervest!"
Jim Tressel-Head coach of The Ohio State University's football team.
I wonder if sweatervest will recruit any good players this year.
An article of clothing often worn by rediculously good looking teachers that makes them look even more good looking
Mr. V looks so good in sweatervests, he should wear one everyday.
used to describe when a job has become so
Dude, that is so sweatervest.
A vest. That doesn't open in the front. Or something.It's a sweater. Only a vest.
Hence the name.
Extremely ugly, uncomfortable, and often associated with "nerds".
Since Johnny wore a different sweatervest everyday, people often called him a nerd without knowing what he was like on the inside. Now Johnny is a kick-ass pedo. Showed you all, didn't he?