
What is Sweathog?


An extremely attractive BUFFERILLA; A human female that couldn`t get raped in an all- male penitentery;BERTHA BUTTS AT HER BEST; a woman or female ape that will never be a mother due to male lack of interest;the world`s biggest,ugliest,smelliest,uncouth,bull-dyke.

Damn! That sweathog`s MUG would stop a sun-dial,blood!


A very large, unattractive, sweaty, pimply, hairy women that only hammered men, trailer trash, niggers (not african-americans), and spiks (not mexicans) sleep with.

Guy 1: Dude, are you seriously gonna sleep with that sweathog.

Guy 2: It's okay, im both a spik and shitfaced.

See gowdy, rosie o'donnell, shrek, ogre


Rosie O`Donnell !!!!

Dam,Sam that lesbian Rosie,gets uglier and fatter every year,she/he is a real sweathog.


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