Sweaty Balls

What is Sweaty Balls?


A sweat soaked scrotum that may or may not be the result of sexual activity. For example a homeless tramp would probably not have sweaty balls due to slappage against a females' arse.

Tramps suffer from sweaty balls because they dont wash.

Most plumbers and builders have sweaty balls due to the nature of the job. If your nuts have been hammering at some slappers arse for half a day they will definitely be sweaty and masturbation always produces sweaty balls.

example 1

Homeless man: "Can I interest you in a copy of the big issue"?

woman: "Oh OK"

Homeless man: "Can I just say you look beautiful"

woman: "get your sweaty balls away from me, you stinkin tramp"

Example 2

big fat slapper:

"Fuckin ell, that was a rogering you just gave me and no doubt about it. Eh fuckin ell pour some water on your pubes theyre on fire"


"Oh that isnt fire, thats steam pouring off my sweaty balls"

See sweaty balls, sweaty, balls, steam, slapper, stud, slappage


to concur, to to be in agreeance. May be used as alternative to sweet or the general yeh sure why not. Also may be used as an answer to almost any question.

jack: We're drinking tequila tonight

scott: sweaty balls

or in a sentence;

"you were killing it like boin last night, sweaty balls hey"

See sweet, sweaty, balls, boin, yeh


When a fat males thighs rub together trapping his balls in the middle causing them to sweat like a steamy bath

Holy shit, his boxers are soaked and thats not cum


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