Sweaty Mary

What is Sweaty Mary?


This is a fetish which involves individuals licking the sweat out of others' armpits. Participants usually engage in physically demanding sex before having a sweaty mary. It is uncommon for a female to do this to another female. If a male is getting a sweaty mary done to him and he is skinny, he may hold his body in a position to force his armpits into a bowl shape.

Girl 1: Your semen tastes funny, I want a sweaty mary

Guy 1: Im really sweaty so you can give it to me.

Guy 2: Let me put some of my jizz in it.

Guy 3: Let me put some of my jizz in it.

Guy 4: Let me put some of my jizz in it.

Guy 5: Let me put some of my jizz in it.

Girl 2: Tasty!

See bloody mary, cunt, armpit, hitler, kinky kong, stalin, buttpirate, fag


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