What is Sweet Briar?
An extreme form of "bitchy," reserved for heinous acts of shameless whoriness, the kind that make you want to severely injure or kill if necessary the person you are describing, just to try to avenge the grievous wrong done to humanity at large. Inspired by the sloriness of the she-wolves of Sweet Briar College.
Becky: That drunk slore tripping on her high heels as she heads up the stairs with the frat boy slept with Amanda's boyfriend the other night, on their anniversary which is also Amanda's birthday, in Amanda's car where she afterward threw up. All because Amanda said her earrings were tacky.
Sarah: OMG, that is SO sweet briar!
Becky: I know.
Sarah: Let's wait till she passes out again and then shave her head.
Becky: Mmm, I don't know. That doesn't sound painful enough.
Sarah: Did I say shave her head? I meant scalp her.