What is Swift?
A word meaning general awesomeness.
Man, that's swift!
Greer said the swiftest thing the other day.
Being very quick and stealth like thunder and lightning combined, if you are truely swift when u walk across water you shouldnt even touch it.
John is very swift in Combat.
it's the best, it's the worst, it's awesome, it's sucky, it's hot, it's not, it's rainbows and smiles, and it's some hard core sex
He is so swift.
This party is so swift.
Don't get swift with me!
She is a swift learner.
Let's get swift baby.
What kind of swift is this?
In reference to a person who is well-dressed. Saying that someone looks swift is the same as saying they look sharp, suave, or classy.
In his German-chocolate-colored suit, Leon Phelps looked swift.
Someone who talks with a lisp.
" damn Cameron you munt, you have the biggesth lithp i have ever thseen. Your swift mouth moveth quickly".
To be slick with words, so slick you don't need to say anything.
Now, THAT'S swiftness!
The result of a penis forcing air into the vagina during sex. This causes air to rush out quickly from the vagina making a flatulent noise much like that of the "queef". The action of the air exiting swiftly brings about the "swift".
That swift caused me to go soft with a swiftness.