
What is Swiftboat?


to attack an anti-war politician on the basis of their military service record

"Man, did they swiftboat Murtha."

See conceed, swiftboat, swiftboated, slander, john kerry, four months


to distort history for political purposes, especially in a vicious personal attack

The upcoming ABC documentary 'The Path to 9/11' is expected to swiftboat the Clinton administration, accusing it of ignoring the terrorist threat.

See slander, politics, swift-boat, swift boat, swiftboated


To bravely expose the lies and manipulations of a powerful person seeking to achieve self promotion based on a falsified personal history and thereby prevent the success of his or her deception.

It took a lot of guts to go up against the lying billionaire, but they were able to swiftboat his dreams of taking over the country.

See depose, derail, stop, head off, expose, torpedo


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