Swindon Bike

What is Swindon Bike?


a girl in swindon that is a slag. this girl would have to have slept with many people in swindon to reach swindon bike status. she is known for being an easy shag, and if anyone is looking for someone easy they would go for the swindon bike.

Manj: You linkin the swindon bike yeah?

Pavsingle: yh

Manj: Why man??

Pavsingle: she's easyand i just wanted a shag init.

Bharji: words goin round u linkin jamila?

pavsingle: yh y?

Bharji: wtf man im linkin er.

pavsingle: yh shes the swindon bike tho enit so she linkin evry1

Bharji: o fair play m8

See slag, whore, sket, cheap, slut, tart


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