
What is Swine?


It means 'pig', it has been used by my grandma for years and is probably the best word ever. Usually said when sitting in a dining room with a slice of batenburg and a cup of coffee loaded with cream.

"eee shes a proper little swine her"

"shes a swine"

See anon


1. A police officer, aka pig

2.A synonym for pig, usually derisive. Often said by people who dislike/abstain from pork consumption(i.e. Muslims, Orthodox jews.)

I do not eat swine, it is an unclean animal.


An officer of the law. Negative connotation.

Yeah, that swine gave me a ticket for going 2 miles over the speed limit in Jacksonville!


probably one of the best words ever...

swine can be used in any situation to degrade another person...

it basically just means theyre lower than scum plaus whatever else you want it to mean...

context plays a big part and so does the way you say it

leave me alone you swine!

look at that fucking swine.

that man is a filthy swineish animal...

you are the swine of all swine

you filthy swinebag!

See swine, scum, animal, filth, dirtbag, scumbag, shitbag, fucknut


1. a pig

2. an offensive name for a Mexican

Person 1: "hey is it cool if i hang here?"

Person 2: "Ahh, get out of here you swine!!!!!!!!!"

See mexican, pig, greasy


Origination from the Swine Flu; if you suddenly have itching, bumps, breakouts etc downstairs from a knowingly "dirty girl" or "slut" you have a swine d**k. Thus, the girl is now catagorized as a SWINE. A swine is any girl that has been anonymously called a slut by the opposite sex.

A girl must meet at least 3/5 these characteristics to be named a swine:

1. Has had sex with at least 3 people you know

2. Wears clothing that is extremly revealying but yet doesnt look good

3. Tries way too hard

4. Hooks up with everybody and anybody

5. You would not have sex with her unless you have had way to much to drink and it is past 2am

*a swine is not respected by anybody*

Damn bro i cant believe you didnt wrap your willy, that girl is a swine!!

Omg, i can name 3 guys she has had sex with in this room, shes such a swine!

Dude my **** itches from that swine!

ahah you have a swine ****!

Bro why you messin with that swine when you could be getting that dime

See swine flu, dirty girl, slut, epidemic, whore


The "pigs" of our society, the ones see no problem with engaging in the gluttony of society.

The swine have nationalized the banks, bailed out banks and car companies, and made billions of dollars off our stupidity and greed and we are paying the bills... still.

See pigs, politicians, ceos, democrats, republicans


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