
What is Swing?


(v.) To have open, promiscuity with a select group of partners, who "swing" eachother's wives and girlfriends back and forth to other people.

If you don't swing, don't ring!

See Kung-Fu Jesus


Possibly the greatest music form of all time. Originated in the early 1920's, originated from early jazz types and strong African-American influence. Strong comeback of Swing occured in 1998 with bands like the Cherry Poppin Daddies and The Straycats.

"Whacha listen' to?"

"Some awesome Swing!"


a term used in magic the gathering when a player declares his attackers

"allright, i'll swing with my grizzly bears and hit you for 2"

See attack, hit, combat, damage


A class in the java API used for creation of GUI programs.

import javax.swing.*;


To fight and/or punch another individual.

To go arm's in.

To lay breh's the fuck out.

Example 1: ''Just go in and swing the cunt''

Example 2: ''Wanna swing?''

Example 3: ''I'll fuckin swing''

See swing, fight, punch, fistycuffs


To dance to any kind of upbeat music. Not used when talking about any slow dance, or street dancing. Normally pop music, retro tunes, or the Eurovision kind.

"She swings like a complete pro"

See dance, dancer, pop, music, jump


A person, normally female, who dick rides. A hardcore groupie. Used to imply that one swings from someone's dick.

Dalilah be all over Chris Brown. She such a swing.

See dick rider, groupie, jock


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