Swinging Dick

What is Swinging Dick?


Adjective for someone that is so bad ass that their dick metaphoricaly hangs past their knees. Related words are player and pimp.

Friend 1: Did you see Jason Bourne kick that dudes ass with a wash cloth?

Friend 2: Yeah, he is such a swinging dick in Bourne ultimatum.

See player, pimp, bad ass, limp dick


A generic label for a nondescript male, with an emphasis on "dick" implying that only the minimum requirements of being male is sufficient to satisfy the argument.

In this respect its context is similar in application to Joe Six-Pack, Joe Blowor John Doebut, respectively cruder to exaggerate the negative perception of the "average" male.

Person 1: "What are the requirements for the position?"

Person 2: "Nothing! Seriously, this place has such a high turn over rate that any swinging dick gets hired."

See dude


An adult male who has passed puberty, thus has a "swinging dick." Typically used with a negative connotation.

Dude #1: God, we need some girls at this party. All I see are a bunch of swinging dicks!

Dude #2: I know, why don't we call your sister...Just kidding!

See dicks, puberty, sausage fest, female


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