
What is Swizzle?


Snoop Doggified sweet

That's a swizzle rizzle.


Getting it's orgins from Snoop Dogg's famed, fo'sizzle dizzle nizzle, swizzle means sweet, awesome, radical or fabulous. It is used to express good fortune that can not be held in.

Girl-I just got asked out by that hot senior!

Girl 2-Swizzle!

See snoop dogg, fo'shizzle, sweet, fabulous, lucky, Caye


1) Snoop Dog lingo for "sweet."

2) brand name of decorative plastic cocktail stirring sticks.

1) What a swizzle movie that was.

2) This Swizzle Stick(TM) is off the hizzle fo shizzle!

See Assessment


Ghetto way of sayin sweet.

I had a swizzle tasting pink taco last night.


Swizzle was an inexpensive wine similar to Ripple. Both appeared on the market at about the same time, in about 1968 or 1969. Like Ripple, Swizzle was sweet and fruit flavored and came in 12 oz. bottles.

Their popularity came from the effect wine has on women. (If you plan on getting layed - what other reason is there?, you have to be careful that they don't get sick and pass out.)

About a year later, Boone's Farm and Annie Green Springs appeared on the market in one liter bottles along with a less well known wine drink called Ariba, which was 20% alcohol.

The latter had a reputation as a "sneaky Pete" because you could slip them to a date who could normally guzzle the 11% beverages all night while keeping her mouth running and her knees together.

With a six pack of Swizzle (or Ariba) you could get her home from the drive-in movies by one and just dump her and her clothes out on her front lawn and go home and get a good night's sleep. (Some ppl hafta work!)

See ripple


When you friend sees that you have a giant screwdriver (oj and vodka) and asks for a swizzle of it, and then chuggs the whole entire thing. A sip that turns into a guzzle.

"could i a a little swizzle of that?"

"yeah.....what the FUCK!!??"

See Corinne


A cross between Sweet and Fizzle. As in something is great.

Tom: That shirt is swizzle.

See sweet, fizzle, great, fabulous, amazing


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