
What is Swizzler?


A con artist; someone who always trys to get over on someone else, a deceptive person.

"but john said that he had to go see his sister"

"that Liar"

"John is such a swizzler"

See con, cheat, lie


One who is sweet swizzling. This person is so cool that they are not just called cool by others, they have a title; a Swizzler. Swizzlers are an elite few. They are the people who inspire others to want to be cool. They are so cool that they CAN imagine a left handed one legged monkey balancing on a ball while explaining the meaning of life to a hockey puck in the 5th dimension, blindfolded. In fact, they have met this monkey and spat on him. Thats right, they spat.

"Did you hear about Benjamin. He put a cherry bomb in the principal's toilet, while the principal was still on it!" "Wow, he is a true Swizzler."

See swizler, cool person, lame, awesome



She was all up on this swizzler.


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