
What is Swoobs?


When it is knarly hot and you have a profuse sweat going onunder your breasts.

Sweaty + Boobs= Swoobs

I have a serious case of the swoobs.

See sweaty, boobs, stinky


Them damn sweaty boobs is what swoobs means. Like when girl comes up to you with a nice bust but they are all sweaty and wet and the rest of her isn't sweaty, that's swoobs.

Wow! Did you see that babe that had those gross ass swoobs?


When sweat gathers in your cleavage...you get swoobs


When boobs get sweaty, underneath and/or in between.

Guy: Oh man, its hot out today. I got swalls over here.

Girl: I hear ya, I got some swoobs goin on.

See sweat, boobs, swalls, swass, damp


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