Sword Fighting

What is Sword Fighting?


A playful sexual game in which two men attack each other with erect penises.

Sword fighting is an activity I have never engaged in (nor plan to). I prefer the ladies.


When two males stand facing each other with erect penises and move slowly together. The male who "strikes" the other first is deemed winner, and also the owner of the longer penis.

Jack and Bob were sword fighting yesterday to determine whose cock was longer.

See cock, sword, fight, dick


games that homosexuals play

I bet those two faggots go home and sword fight all night


when drunk and at the front door of one's home, trying to find the keyhole and crazily dabbing at the area around it, resembling a sword fight

from my bedroom I could hear sally sword fighting with the door after a night at the bar

See sword, fight, drunk, fighting, key


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