
What is Swumpster?



1. a silver tounged political man who can control crowds with his observations, speeches, and jokes. he hates all kretins, and will often swear, though he is likable and thoughtful, unlike a kretin who has no friends.

2. a god, and in all places at once, if your lucky, he may take refuge in your closet.

3. the future communist, babykiller, economics ruiner, gay marriage loving, fascist tyrant of america extrodinair.

1. lol, Swumpster just owned kretin.

2. oh shit, how did swumpster get that picture of my couch, i thought he was joking about living in there

3. praised art thou o lord, our god, king of the universe, who is swumpster

See swumpster, liberal, kretin, politician, swumpster


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