
What is Swunt?


a sweaty cunt



Another variation of Swit, but meaning a sweaty cunt.

Don't touch her, she got the swunt.


sweaty cunt. namely to describe how something smells.

Yo! You just know that bitch smells like swunt. see also swat.


A swampy cunt.

Danielle was sitting down on a hot summers eve and when she arose she found that she had a swunt.

See vagina, cunt, snatch, swamp ass, sweat


sweaty cunt.

A factual term and

a great insult!

It is best to wear underwear if you have a swunt.

That Brett..he is such a fucking swunt!

See sweaty, cunt, pussy, insult


when you have sweat on your vigina.

Dame do you have a tissue I have swunt.

See pussy, cunt, vigina, sweat, hole


Acronym for "sweet/unsweet iced tea", a mixture of sweet and unsweet tea. Common in the Southern United States.

"Can I get some fukken swunt over here?"

See iced tea, drinks, tea, south


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