
What is Syria?


A magnificently beautiful land in the middle east comprising everything from lush green mountain ranges and coastlines to barren deserts - also rich in culture, with a history that stretches back several thousand years.

Unfortunately currently afflicted with some major economic and political harships due both to external and internal factors.

Wow, Syria's amazing, just a shame about the situation its in


A beautiful country to visit and perhaps, live in. Full of rich Arabian culture, Syria is becoming an internationally-famous country.

Dude: Yo man, you look happy today.

Dude who's been to Syria: Yo guy, I just came back from Syria. Man, that place is the shit!

Dude: Yo man, I gtg there


Syria is the most beautiful place on earth , distinguished by good, simple, generous, and honest people

it's the only place on earth where you can sleep and leave your door's opened

If you want to have some peace of mind , come live in syria ..

Finaly i have to say :plz Don't judge syria people according to his regime or government.

dude : Have you ever visit Syria ?

dude : No !

dude : You must do it.

See syria, peace, middle east, syrie


Next target for that Wankstain Bush, unless that is you yanks wake up and oust the inbred motherfucker in the 2004 election. That really would change my opinion of yanks, so much so that i'd probably start calling you Americans.

Bush: Syria must co-operate with the United States and is not allowed WMD's.

Rest of World: Fuck off Bushtard!!


A country near Israel & lebanon ruled by a family of dictators it has kind people inside

but syria is often hated due to the

unfair regime and the terrorists that bombed in lebanon, iraq, and the swiss airport not to mention other nearby countries...

syrians are poor and fear to protest against their ruler cuz they know they will be killed...

If you're thinking of visiting syria u will be amazed by the hot sweaty weather and dry deserts... and u will not be able to visit any bar because there is'nt any

nor a beach because women cant be seen wearing swimsuites

Jonas : I was syria last summer and they treated me cruely because i am not muslim

Tod : Thank goodness your girlfriend wasn't with you .. she would've been raped!

See dictator, lebanon, bar, swiss, iraq, muslim


The home of the world's best terrorist and oppressors, renowned for creating problems in neighboring countries (Lebanon, Iraq ...) and mass murdering people.

1: I am from Lebanon

2: Huh, Syria didn't kill you yet!

See syria, lebanon


you're the next target. Either

(a.) get the fuck out of there now

(b.) brace yourselves

PLEASE don't start WWIII.

See adrian


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