
What is Tabarnak?


Used as swear word (common in french Canadian slang) 'Tabarnak' has a variety of uses. It has nearly become an equivalent to "fuck" and its derivatives in how it is used. It can be used as an insult (when adressing someone),or to overstate/amplify an emotion/state of mind, or to express surprise-disgust, etc.

Mon/le -tabarnak- (in keeping with the fuck reference: you/that -fucker-) ~insult~

C'est beau en -tabarnak- (It's -fucking- pretty) ~to amplify, overstate~

tabarnak! (fuck!) ~to express surprise in response to a comment, for example~

See sft


Curse used by french Canadians. Often used when things go wrong or used simply as as adjective in a sentence.

Ca và mal en tabarnak.


originated from quebec, "tabernak" is an insult useing the churches "tabernacle" as a swear word.

-i should know, i live in quebec...

j`men tabarnak de toi!


A French Quebec cursed word used like ''damn''or ''shit''.

People of France never use that word, its is purely from Quebec.

''Man I lost your car keys!''

''your not serious?''


'' ah tabarnak!!''


I Tabarnaked him a punch in the face!

See osti ,calice, calvaire,...etc in the same family cursed words.

See calvaire, osti, criss, sti


is a guy who slept with my girlfriend

lui s't'un gros criss de tabarnak!

See dj


Idiom used for its emotional-releasing qualities. Also used in non-francophone cultures via immigrants that came to Montreal, catched some french, and then got back to their native lands laden with a few bucks and high hopes of finally opening their shop, and not being slapped by mamma for being late for dinner. Its subtle religious consonance makes it delicate to use on a regular basis (as opposite to the handy fuck), but we usually manage to get enough purposeful occasions in a week to say a good "Tabarnak".

The malay cook is trying to catch up with the delicate task of cooking ten Pad Thai at the same time (in a context of personel compressions in the charming small exotic restaurant) He violently jumps as an angry waiter comes in and yells "why is there chop suey in the dish for table 57???", spreading the whole barrel of oil into the painstakingly cut green peppers. Quoth the man:



People use this word when they are very upset, in many ways. They use this word to sware about anyting.

Mon tabarnak toié !!! Caliss de sale !!!


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