
What is Tackleberry?


Adj. 1. someone who attacks in paintball, or a FPSvideogame, with little regard for safety.

2. someone who displays knowledge and affection of guns or weapons

3. a cute dogs name

"Hey, can I see your gun again?"

"Settle down there, Tackleberry."

"Chad, you and Shemp have base.

Squeeze, you and Gary have flank.

Richalds, you're the tackleberry, try to flush out their gunners."

See tackle


A large utility belt, worn by over enthusiastic, gear-head EMTs and Paramedics in the UK. They are well equipped with pouches for radio handset, big torch, scissors, attitude, gonads, sandwiches etc.

Well we went to pick up this NFS for a MaternaTaxi job and Barry wouldn't get out of the cab without his tackleberry. Tosser.

See emt, paramedic, maternataxi, nfs


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