Taco Butt

What is Taco Butt?


1. A case of diarrhea experienced after eating cheap mexican food. I.E. Taco Bell, Microwaveable Burritos.

Johhny.: "Hey you ready go to out for dinner?"

Steve: "Nah man I had some taco bell for lunch and got a mad case of Taco Butt..."

See poop, chocolate, runs, diarrhea, poo


When a person has consumed so many tacos, that literally one more taco will cause their ass to explode.

Tommy: Hey Johnny, that new secretary's gotta nice phat booty. Guarantee I'll be knee deep in that thing by Christmas.

Johnny: Dude, you didn't hear? Thats not your run of the mill phat booty.

Tommy: No, don't tell me...

Johnny: That's right man, Taco Butt.

Tommy: Oh, Snap.

See taco, butt, mexican, burrito, ass, booty


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