Taco In A Bag

What is Taco In A Bag?


A warm tortilla, slightly mushy, filled with meat, cheese, and shit. It is placed in a bag and masked with "taco odors" to confuse any possible consumer of such disgusting smegma and turtle shit in a bag. Often sold at schools, because no one else in their right mind would actually buy this shit. Possible uses: fertilizer, laxitive, or a blunt weapon.

I took a bite of this taco in a bag, it tastes like shit. Want it?

Okay...it smells alright...OH SHIT WHAT THE FUCK MAN?!! THIS IS DISGUSTING! Aww, sick, flowers are growing in my mouth.


when eating a chick out, placing seran wrap over the vagina so the taste isnt as bad

She had a horrible tasting pussy, so i gave her a taco in a bag so i could stand it

See frito pie


tacos in a bag. mushy. cheesy. beefy

boy: Want a taco in a bag?

boy 2: no thank you i just had my taco in a bag.

See bag, taco, burrito, purse, mom


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