
What is Taft?


An extrordinairily plump individual known to lynch homosexuals and wield large caliber weapons. He has been known to drive a Dodge Neon and drink the occasional 30 case of beer. Equipped with a handy chode, this righteous man's power move is the teeth breaker.

Oh shit, hide the fags, here comes taft in his neon!!!!


A fat jolly judge that with a big waxed moustasche that greets people by saying "How do ya do!".

The taft wobbled his way to the court room


Acronym: Times Are Fucking Tough. In other words life sucks, deal with it.

"the boss is making me work though lunch"


"true that."

See life sucks and then you die, snafu, deal with it


There All Fuckin Tweekin. small town outside of bakersfield ca. populated mostley by illegal wetbacks and crackheads

taft has more drug bust than bakersfield and field workers

See fuck, crackheads, wetbacks, bakersfield


"If ya lived in Taft, yeeed be home by na."

A place full of aqueducts and rolling California plains. The absolute worst place ever. Outside of Bakersfield in all its grandeur. You can go to Taft College and get gas vouchers to help you afford the awful drive. They offer a partial scholarship to any applicant. The closest thing to fun is a murky lake chalk full of Mexican immigrants. 30 miles from the closest suit and tie. All you will find here is poor retirees, and oil field workers.

"Hey ma, are we home yet?

"Ye son, just look at the sign up ahead."

Sign reads, "If ya lived in Taft, yeeed be home by na."

Real sign. Real people. Taft, California

See taft, bakersfield, worst, place, ever


a drug addicted, trailar park, full of incestual Rednecks

TAFT, just 5 mins away from the Orlando Airport.


The most awesome school to ever be created. Has amazing art facilities, sports facilities and academic buildings. Dorms are clean for the most part and food actually tastes good.

And for all ou Hotchkiss haters, get over yourself. Were just schools..rivals? Maybe so. But were all going to go to college one day and leave our beloved boarding schools behind. So stop hating on us Tafties just because your jealous of our awesomeness.

Also probably the cleanest boarding school. Beside the small acholhol consumption, drugs are used very rarely. Unlike rival school Hotchkiss who are high off their arses off cocaine every other day. But hey! No hard feelings.

And for all these other definitions claiming Taft as a "safety school", are you kidding me? Taft is one of the schools on the Ten Schools Admission Organization and has a very respected reputation. Now KENT is a safety school.

Ex. 1 - Bill - Hey Jan, you going to the lacrosse game after school today?

Jan - Sure Bill! But first I have to finish my painting of the Mona Lisa.

Ex. 2 - Hotchkiss Kid 1 - Damn! I hate those tafties! I dont even know why but i HATE THEM!!

Hotchkiss kid 2 - YEAH! I hate them for no reason as well!!

Taft Kid 1 - Jeez, get over yourself. We don't hate you Hotchkiss Kids as much as you'd think we do.

Ex. 3 - Taft Kid 1 - Hey dude, what are you doing later tonight?

Taft Kid 2 - Oh you know, snorting some of the new cocaine I just purchased.

Taft Kid 1 - REALLY!?

Taft Kid 2 - Nah! I'm just joshing you. I'm not one of those slimy Hotchkiss cokeheads.

See taft, hotchkiss, boarding, school


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