
What is Tagged?


A site mainly for teens, with chat rooms and such. There are alot of 15 year old girls with pictures of slutty looking models on their page, claiming it's them. The chat rooms are usually full of turkish men looking for some girl to "make friends with" or "gangsters" typing in caps, talking about shit and have names like "T@Y T@Y", "MZ CUTE B00T4Y", "THiCK MAMA" etc.

Tagged sucks. End of story

See gangsters, 1337 speak, fakers, perverts


a website for teens, where you get tags from your friends, write in your journal, take quizzes from quiz central, enter yourself in celebrity look a like, and etc.

person: do u have tagged?

person 2: yea but i havent logged on in a while

person: aight ima send some tags

person 2: me 2, n ima enter the celebrity look a like

person: ok well bye

person 2: ill be on tagged, see ya

See tagged, teens, teenagers, 13


A chauvinist term for fucking a chick from behind with very little respect and spraying cum on her ass. Borrowed from graffiti culture in which vandals spray-paint "tags" on property as a demonstration of illegimate ownership and arrogant pride.

"What happened with that bitch from the club last night? You know the one with the good rack and the junk in her trunk?

"I took her home, I bent her over and tagged that shit up! Tonight i'm gonna bust a nice big tag on her little asian friend's ass as well!"


See doggie style, bent over, from behind, busted, grafitti, sprayed, booty, vandalize, creampie, cumshot


Similar to train ride but with only two partners

Me and Shane tagged Kelly and she loved it



A Social network full of Old guys pretending to be young bisexual girls who say they like girls more than boys.

On a typical Tagged profile

"Guys Fuck Off, Im Bi and i like girls more, im not looking for a guy on here"

See tagged, bebo, myspace, slut, old, bi, profile


A fighting term for getting hit with a good clean shot that isn't enough to get you KTFO but just enough to have you seeing stars.

Damn, that guy just got tagged with a big right hand. He's in huge trouble.

See rocked, stunned, nailed, hurt, hit


the state in which you wake up when the previous night you passed out and your friends who remained conscious creatively decorated your body- more often than not with pens and sharpie permanent markers.

It took Jodie three hours to wash the penis that was drawn on her face when she got tagged last night.

Chase passed out first, so his friends tagged him.

See tag, tagger, tagging, antique, antiquing


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